Mobile Methods


JavaScript methods for working with Mobile applications distributed using Alpha Launch or as Cordova apps.


_delayTillPhoneGapReady Method

Registers a function to call when Cordova is loaded and ready.

_persistFS Method

Gets the file system URL of the directory in which the List data sub-directory is located.

_updateAjaxURL Method

Updates the Ajax Callback URL for a Cordova application.

addCustomSchemeForAlphaWkWebView Method

Adds a local URL prefix to a file URL so that it can be referenced in the source property for an image, video, audio, or other element in an iOS Cordova app using the WkWebView plugin.

instantUpdateCheckForUpdate Method

Checks for updates for a Cordova app with Instant Update.

instantUpdateRefresh Method

Checks for, downloads, and installs a new update for a Cordova application with Instant Update.

instantUpdateUseAutoUpdate Method

Enables or disables automatically checking for updates in a Cordova app that includes Instant Update.

phoneGapCopyFileURL Method

Copies a file from one location to another on the file system.

phoneGapCreateDirectory Method

Create a directory in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapCreateDirectoryRecurse Method

Create directories recursively in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapCreateFile Method

Creates a file in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapDeleteFile Method

Deletes a file in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapDeleteFilesNotInListURL Method

Deletes files from a directory. If a filter is specified, only files that match the filter are deleted. If a 'keep list' is specified, files in the list are not deleted, even if they match the filter.

phoneGapDeleteFileURL Method

Delete a file.

phoneGapDownloadManifestFiles Method

Download files to a device.

phoneGapEnsureDirPathURL Method

Ensures a directory structure exists within the specified root path. If the directories do not exist, they are created.

phoneGapFileExists Method

Checks if a file exists in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapFileExistsURL Method

Check if a file exists. If the file does exist, a callback function is called with the properties of the file (such as size, date last modified, etc.)

phoneGapFilesAvailable Method

Checks whether or not the local file system is available in a Cordova application.

phoneGapGetDirectory Method

Gets a list of files in a directory in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapGetDirectoryRecurse Method

Gets a list of files in a directory in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapGetLocalDirURL Method

Returns URL of base for the requested part of the file system.

phoneGapListFilesRecurseURL Method

List files in a directory and in the sub-directories of the specified directory.

phoneGapListFilesURL Method

Lists files in a directory. If a filter, defined with a regular expression, is specified, only files that match the filter are listed.

phoneGapLoaded Method

Returns true if the UX component is running in a Cordova shell.

phoneGapMoveFileURL Method

Move a file.

phoneGapReadFile Method

Reads the contents of a text file in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapReadFileURL Method

Reads a file.

phoneGapRemoveDirectory Method

Deletes a directory in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapRemoveDirectoryRecurse Method

Removes directories recursively in the file system of the mobile device.

phoneGapRemoveDirectoryRecurseURL Method

Deletes the specified director and all of its contents, including other directories and their contents.

phoneGapUnzipFiles Method

Unzip files on a mobile device built with Cordova.

phoneGapWriteFileURL Method

Write to a file.

setChannel Method

Sets the Instant Update channel in an mobile application published with Instant Updated enabled.

stripCustomSchemeForAlphaWkWebView Method

Removes a custom scheme from a file URL.

See Also